Identity Patterns with the WSO2 Identity Server
Claim Mapper

  • The claim dialect used by the service provider is not compatible with the default claim dialect used by the WSO2 Identity Server. 
  • The claim dialect used by the federated (external) identity provider is not compatible with the default claim dialect used by the WSO2 Identity Server.
  • Represent all the service providers in the WSO2 Identity Server and configure the corresponding inbound authenticators (SAML, OpenID, OIDC, WS-Federation). 
  • For each service provider define custom claims and map them to the WSO2 default claim dialect. 
  • Represent all the identity providers in the WSO2 Identity Server and configure corresponding federated authenticators (SAML, OpenID, OIDC, WS-Federation). 
  • For each identity provider define custom claims and map them to the WSO2 default claim dialect. 
  • Products: WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0+