Deploying WSO2 Carbon over an LDAP User Store

Open up the [CARBON_HOME]\repository\conf\user-mgt.xml and replace it's content with the following.

ConnectionURL : Connection URL to the LDAP server
ConnectionName : Full qualified name of a user to access the LDAP server.
ConnectionPassword: Password of the ConnectionName. If you allow anonymous access keep this blank.
UserSearchBase : Where the system should find the users - ConnectionName should be within the UserSearchBase
UserNameListFilter: This is to narrow down the search. Set the objectClass properly.
UserNameAttribute : This should be attribute where the system will take as the user name for login.
ReadLDAPGroups : If true will read groups from the LDAP server.
GroupSearchBase : Where the system should find the groups.
GroupSearchFilter : This is to narrow down the search. Set the objectClass properly.
GroupNameAttribute: This should be attribute where the system will take as the group name.
AdminUser/UserName: This user will be treated as the initial admin of the system. Should be belonging to the UserSearchBase in LDAP. Keep the password of this user blank.
            <EveryOneRoleName>everyone</EveryOneRoleName> <!-- By default users in thsi role sees the registry root -->
            <Property name="url">jdbc:h2:repository/database/WSO2CARBON_DB</Property>
            <Property name="userName">wso2carbon</Property>
            <Property name="password">wso2carbon</Property>
            <Property name="driverName">org.h2.Driver</Property>
            <Property name="maxActive">50</Property>
            <Property name="maxWait">60000</Property>
            <Property name="minIdle">5</Property>
            <Property name="ConnectionURL">ldap://localhost:10389</Property>
            <Property name="ConnectionName">uid=admin,ou=system</Property>
            <Property name="ConnectionPassword">secret</Property>
            <Property name="UserSearchBase">ou=system</Property>
            <Property name="UserNameListFilter">(objectClass=person)</Property>
            <Property name="UserNameAttribute">uid</Property>
            <Property name="ReadLDAPGroups">false</Property>
            <Property name="GroupSearchBase">ou=system</Property>
            <Property name="GroupSearchFilter">(objectClass=groupOfNames)</Property>
            <Property name="GroupNameAttribute">cn</Property>
            <Property name="MembershipAttribute">member</Property>